Monday 3 March 2014

The Kangaroo plugin to create the interactive BD ( Bubble Diagram)

To create an interactive BD, the adjacency logic of the bubbles have to be translated to grasshopper. 

The Kangaroo plugin in grasshopper lets you create a spring system. Now imagine if the lines connecting the different circles in the BD were springs of various rest lengths depending on their adjacency. If you pull any circle, it maintains its relationships with its connected neighbors. 

The first step to using a spring system to clearly define the adjacency logic of a BD using a matrix. The image below shows a simple example of a residential matrix. 

We can now define a rest length for the three cases : 

Rest Length - 0 indicates the circumference of the circles stick together. 

Rest Length - 4/ random indicates that there is a line connecting the circles to show the connection but the distance can be randomly arrived at depending on the interaction of the user. 

Rest Length - no connection indicates that there is no lines connecting the circles. 

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